Understanding how young jobseekers spend their time highlights the main activities through which they might develop valuable human capital.
Time-use surveys worldwide aim to capture how individuals spend their day. The International Classification of Activities for Time Uses Statistics (ICATUS) is an international standard that provides a framework and classification for these time-use activities. The taxonomy encompasses a comprehensive set of activities, including those considered typically productive such as doing a job or working for pay, as well as unproductive activities like sleeping or watching television.
The ICATUS taxonomy offers a more inclusive approach to defining what is productive. It encompasses activities that fall outside the production boundary set by the System of National Accounts. These include services rendered without pay for own and others' final use, such as cleaning one’s own dwellings or cooking one’s own food. These activities are considered productive insofar that they have paid equivalents (for instance, a professional cleaner or a cook). Therefore, they engage human capital and enable human capital formation.
We identify four types of such activities in ICATUS, which we call “unseen” activities.
Unpaid domestic services for household and family members (Div. 3)
Unpaid caregiving services for household and family members (Div. 4)
Unpaid direct volunteering for other households (Div. 51)
Unpaid community- and organization-based volunteering (Div. 52)
Highlighting this human capital in the South African first entails uncovering through which activities it might be formed. The South African time use survey from 2011 is the latest national wide source of data on how South Africans spend their time on the daily. When it comes to unseen activities, caring for someone in one’s household and maintaining one’s household takes up 19,9% of young South African’s time (15-34 years old). On the other hand, community service for non-household members such as volunteering (at Church, for instance) takes up 0,4% of young South Africans’ time.
"Seen" activities are those which are accounted for as productive (including informal work) in the System of National Accounts (SNA). [to be edited later]
When adapting ESCO, a European labor taxonomy, to the South African "seen" economy, the first step involved asking if occupations in Europe - and the skills associated with them - are similar to those in South Africa. The answers to this were approached from two directions.
First, do occupations with the same titles across Europe and South Africa substantively entail the same tasks and require the same skills? For instance, being a "specialize seller" or "taxi driver" in Europe (and hence in ESCO), rarely involves having to negotiate prices or bargain. However, these are critical skills for such occupations in most developing countries, including South Africa. These gaps in occupational definitions and skills requirements are larger for more informal occupations, especially in a gig economy like South Africa's.
Second, do Europeans and South-Africans refer to the same occupations in the same terms? For example, is someone who conducts data collection called an data collector in both regions? Locals in South Africa use the term "fieldworker" more commonly. ESCO provides space to link "alternative titles" to every occupation it lists, so as to reflect this diversity of names given to the same jobs. It is also translated in every European language and reflects the conceptual diversity of ways languages refers to the same occupations. Expansion of ESCO beyond the EU, particularly in relatively data-poor developing contexts, requires careful groundwork for the new countries and languages.
Tabiya approached answers to these questions in two ways:
Directly ground truthing the applicability and usability of ESCO for microentrepreneurs: We conducted a survey with young micro-entrepreneurs registered with Harambee in trying to assess whether: i) respondents could readily find their work on a list of ESCO occupations ii) skills under selected ESCO occupations fully captured the skills that a microentrepreneur thinks they have/need.
In South Africa, Tabiya partners with Harambee, a not-for-profit social enterprise working on youth unemployment and an anchor-partner for SA Youth, the national employment pathway management network.
South Africa faces high youth unemployment rates calling for action into improving intermediation between young job-seekers and employers. Despite being a problem shared with many other countries in the region, the South African case is of particular interest because of the diversity of large scale private and semi-governmental undertakings meant to bring answers to these challenges. Harambee and SAYouth were products of these efforts, and the large database of users, network of stake-holders, and expertise hosted by these organizations present unique opportunities to explore and test a breadth of technical solutions to labour market intermediation.
Founded in 2011, Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator is a not-for-profit social enterprise working to find solutions to youth unemployment in South Africa, and having expanded operations to Rwanda as of 2018. The organization is an anchor partner for SAYouth, South Africa's national network for youth employment pathway management. Within SAYouth, Harambee operates the multi-channel, tech-enabled SA Youth Platform (sayouth. mobi), which connects a network of 3.8 million jobseeking youth with over 1,300 private and public sector employer partners to facilitate earning and learning opportunities.
Characterized by the world's highest unemployment rates and persistent effects of historical social segregation, the South African labor market presents a particularly challenging context.
This review is a work in progress. We will update it continuously with the latest research to date.
At 33% as of 2024 Q1, South Africa has the highest unemployment rate in the world, with the rates doubling (61%) for youth aged 15-24. This is an unequal crisis on multiple dimensions. Rates are overwhelmingly higher among the Black African population (36%), followed a far second colored population (23%). Women face a 13% higher likelihood of unemployment than men.
Over three million young people in South Africa are not in employment, education or training (NEET). The same patterns of unequal outcomes persist: These individual who are NEET are particularly vulnerable to
5+ years. Low enrolment rates in tertiary education (25.2% as of 2021), is a key factor behind this widespread and persistent unemployability of youth. The lack of tertiary education is further compounded by the apartheid legacy of legal discrimination and segregation that generated large wealth and spatial inequalities across the country. This means, for many of these already disadvantaged jobseekers, available jobs are also located prohibitively far away.
Together, these factors characterize a labor market facing a vast disconnect between labor demand and labor supply sides. On the supply side, a large pool of jobseekers struggle to signal their skills to prospective employers and face inherently high search costs due to socioeconomic and spatial inequalities. On the demand side, firms appear uncertain about the quality of the applicants they attract with . This in turn leads to firms relying on trial-and-error recruiting tendencies, creating insecure entry level jobs.
. Job search support interventions have proven useful in improving employment outcomes. Studies have tested and found positive results for job search support through 1) behavioral encouragement interventions such as , social support; 2) better utilization of job search platforms such as and 3) endorsement mechanisms such as and. When implemented at scale, better job search infrastructure has the potential to bridge the gap between what firms need versus what jobseekers can offer through increased visibility of the labour market and pathways within it for both sides.
Spatial mismatches between jobs and jobseekers, combined with high search costs, further deepen inaccurate beliefs about the job market among youth. Overly optimistic beliefs about the job market lead to young jobseekers under searching and holding out for "better jobs". On one hand, , but these search efforts do not necessarily translate to better employment outcomes on average.
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Including all diverse experiences and skills held by young South African entails ensuring they identify with the titles of occupations provided on our platform.
Alternative titles for occupations allow us to make sure that there is no "one best way" to refer to a job, an informal activity, or a hobby. To make sure every one feels represented on the Harambee platform, we included idiomatic occupation titles, and allow for an adaptative listing of alternative occupation titles.
In any economy, individuals who are otherwise employed to do the same job may be hired under different titles. The ESCO taxonomy attempts to address this concern by providing a list of alternative titles that are associated with the different occupations captured in its database. However, regional variations in job titles may exist, and so while the ESCO list of so-called “alternative titles” or “alternative labels” for occupations may be sufficient for the European labour market, the same cannot necessarily be said for the South African labour market.
The ESCO taxonomy exists for all European languages: the same occupations and skills thus have different names. However, problems arise from the fact that the occupations and skills may be called differently depending on the regional variations of the English language. For instance, in South-Africa, a “survey enumerator” may be called “fieldworker”. Therefore, one needs to identify, manually or thanks to algorithmic text processing, alternative titles that are relevant in each regional context.
In localizing ESCO to South Africa's context, we aimed to identify to what extent ESCO's existing titles and alternative titles captured the jobs done by participants in this labor market. The exploration and subsequent alternative title additions were completed in two blocks of work: 1) a matching exercise using the EJ data entries and ESCO titles 2) a cross-referencing exercise using SA's local labor taxonomy, the Organizing Framework for Occupations (OFO), with ESCO.
Random samples of EJ entries from both formal sector workers and the microentrepreneurs were analyzed. A preliminary analysis of a random sample of 50 EJ entries from each category was followed by a scaled up analysis of from each category. Results were consistent across both subsamples. For brevity, the results presented in the following section are based on the random subsample of size 500.
To match the job descriptions provided to by young job-seekers to ESCO occupations, we manually applied the following rules:
Rule 1: If there was an exact match in the user-provided livelihood title from the EJ data, and either an ESCO occupation title, or an ESCO occupation’s alternative title, then the individual was matched to this ESCO occupation code at the 4.1-digit level.
Rule 2: Where user-provided livelihood titles were etymologically linked to an ESCO title or alternative title by a common “root word” – e.g., the user-provided title of “Teacher assistant” is etymologically linked to the ESCO title “Teaching assistant” through the common root word “teach” – then these individuals were classified as directly mappable to ESCO without the need for an additional alternative title.
Rule 3: Where there was no directly mappable link between user-provided livelihood titles and ESCO occupation titles, individuals were only allocated to a given occupation code if we could be reasonably sure that we had identified the job the individual was trying to communicate through their EJ livelihood data.
Rule 4: Where there was no direct link between user-provided livelihood title and ESCO occupation title, and it was not clear what occupation was being described by the user-provided livelihood title, we opted to not map occupations.
This manual mapping resulted in a total of 279 individual EJ entries being matched to 73 unique ESCO occupation codes. At the occupation level, 51 occupations required no additional alternative titles to be added, with 39 providing exact matches to individuals’ user-provided titles, and 12 providing root-word matches to user-provided titles. The remaining 22 occupations potentially require the addition of alternative titles to ensure cohesiveness between South African occupation titles and ESCO occupation titles.
At the individual-level, we find that 224 individual user-provided occupation titles were matched to ESCO occupation titles or alternative titles via either an exact match or root word match. This accounts for 80.3% of the total matched sample of individuals. In other words, only 19.7% of individuals in the matched sample entered occupation titles that may require the addition of alternative titles to the ESCO database. This information is summarized in Table 5.
The exercise resulted in a 80.3% match (exact + root-word matches) at the individual level and a 70% match at the occupation level. Table 5 summarizes the findings.
Table 5: Summary of user occupation title match to ESCO occupation title, by occupation group.
Source: Harambee EJ data and own calculation
Note: Although there are 94 individuals who are in occupations with exact matches to ESCO titles or alternative titles, only 93 individuals had exact matches to ESCO titles. This is because one individual described their job as “Youth program – cleaning and helping them with their homework”. This individual has been allocated to occupation “Child care worker”. While this is not an exact match for the individual, their user-provided occupation title is a description rather than a title.
. In a further attempt to match these occupations, we opted to explore using the South African Organizing Framework for Occupations (OFO) as a cross-referencing tool for potential alternative titles that would need to be added to the ESCO framework.
Table 6: List of ESCO occupations with suggested additional alternative titles (based on sample of 500)
Source: Own construction based on Harambee EJ data and European Commission (2022).
The above exercises demonstrated that for the most part, ESCO titles and alternative titles are able to capture most of South Africa’s occupations, and the results can be improved by additionally using the OFO framework.
We then chose to merge the 2021 OFO list of occupations, specialisations and alternate titles to ESCO. Among individuals in our EJ data sample who provided sufficient information to enact a mapping, 89% of these can find their occupation description in some combination of ESCO and OFO titles. This makes a substantive case to use an OFO-ESCO merge as a baseline from which to build our taxonomy for the South African labour market.
The matching from ESCO to OFO was done in two steps. First, straightforward matches were made thanks to a simple matching algorithm the following two rules:
If the exact equivalent occupation (same title) exists in ESCO and OFO, a match happens.
If the ESCO title of an occupation is included as an alternative title for an occupation in OFO, then a match happens.
The key to maintaining a time-relevant labor taxonomy is to build systems which are consistently taking feedback from users. Using a fixed taxonomy runs the risk of future users not finding occupations and skills because of both new kinds jobs being created and existing jobs being rebranded. To manage these risks, Harambee continues to include a free text option for job descriptions/titles on the platform. This option doubles input and feedback for the research team at Tabiya to continue adding missing occupation titles and skills to the taxonomy.
World Bank (2023), “Skills and Workforce Development,” worldbank.org. Hensel, L., , T., , I., , J. & , M. 2024. Demand for Feedback and Job Search. Working Paper.
To get a sense of the need to add alternative titles for ESCO occupations, we first mapped 500 formal, seen occupations from the to the ESCO taxonomy. The first attempt was an automated text-matching exercise between job titles and descriptions in the EJ data and the ESCO taxonomy. Given the diversity of job titles and job descriptions on both sides, automating the text-matching proved to be a significant challenge. Consequently, a manual review of Harambee's EJ data needed to be undertaken as an initial proof of concept before large-scale data collection and analysis could be undertaken.
The approach finally adopted was manual matching of the remaining OFO occupations to ESCO, through identification of close conceptual equivalents. This work contributes to two downstream functions: First, it allows our partners to build platforms around a localized taxonomy that speaks to young jobseekers, thus improving the functioning of the website. Second, it enriches functionality of , Tabiya's interactive chatbot meant to help young job seekers identify their skills.
Number of individuals employed in occupation category
Number of individuals matched exactly
Individuals as % of all matched individuals
Number of occupations
Occupations as % of all matched occupations
Occupation matches exactly to ESCO title or alternative title
Occupation has a root word match to ESCO title or alternative titles
Occupation likely requires addition of alternative title
ESCO code
ESCO title
Alternative title 1
Alternative title 2
Aluminium maker
Secondary school teacher
Substitute educator
Primary school teacher
Substitute educator
Early years teacher
Substitute educator
Freinet school teacher
Substitute educator
Montessori school teacher
Substitute educator
Automated assembly line operator
Production assembler
Bank Account manager
Universal banker
Field survey manager
Fieldwork supervisor
Administrative assistant
Office administrator
Chief invigilator
Office clerk
Control center clerk
Odds compiler
Fixed odds clerk
Survey enumerator
Beauty Salon Attendant
Beauty advisor
Shop assistant
Store assistant
Till packer
Till operator
Early years teaching assistant
Educator assistant
ECD assistant
Prepress technician
Scanning engineer
Telecommunications technician
DSTV installer
Livestock worker
Tabiya's work on the South African taxonomy will be directly channeled by Harambee through the SAyouth.mobi platform. Concomitantly, it is used as a basis for Compass, our AI chatbot.
The optimal way to use our inclusive taxonomy to help young jobseekers is not obvious. For instance, it could be used as the basis of a static survey in which users pick occupations and skills manually, or in a more flexible way by using AI. Although certainly complementary, we hope to test these two approaches separately to identify the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.
Harambee and Tabiya work closely to come up with the version 0.1 of the Harambee platform. As the final product is highly dependent ongoing research work, this section will be filled later.
Tabiya is working closely with Google and Makesense to develop Compass. Our Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will be tested on real users thanks to Harambee.
As the ordering of skills is likely to greatly influence users' picks, testing different ordering of skill is essential to identify options improving users' experience.
This page summarises a proposal for how to implement A/B testing of how to elicit skills for SAyouth.mobi users’ inclusive CV. This research is motivated by concerns that users may struggle to select between different skills, and an interest in comparing different potential metrics for skill priority. The proposed research is an on-platform randomised evaluation of how users are asked to capture the skills relating to their work experiences.
In the search to highlight and surface the skills South African youth have as a result of the activities they have performed and are currently involved in, we conducted a survey that asked microentrepreneurs to rate the importance of different skills associated with their occupation. Specifically, we asked about 1500 microentrepreneurs “On the 1 to 5 scale where 1 is ‘Not important at all’ and 5 is ‘Very important’, how important is [skill tag] to your work?”. The results showed a tendency for participants to assign high importance to all skills presented to them.
This poses a potential challenge for the Harambee platform. If job seekers prioritize all skills equally, they might be overly reliant on the initial set of skills they encounter during their platform search. This could lead them to select skills that aren't necessarily the most relevant for their desired careers, hindering their job search effectiveness. To address this concern, our research aims to investigate how the order of skill presentation on the Harambee platform influences job seeker choices.
Thus we seek to answer the following questions:
What is the impact of presenting skills to platform users in different orders on the skills selected?
Is there an order that offers users the best support in their job search journey?
Do different skill priorities have downstream impacts on job search patterns?
Do different skill priorities have an impact on employer interest in the candidate?
How often should we ask users to update their skills?
We propose implementing on-platform A/B testing of how to surface skills to users. This testing should help us to evaluate how users respond to different presentations of skills and consequently refine how best to elicit skill reporting from platform users.
The ideal method for testing skills surfacing is evaluating actual user skill selections on platform. This would be achieved by comparing how similar (statistically comparable) users select skills when presented with different list orders and lists of varying numbers of skills. Thus, we wish to randomly assign users to be presented with different lists when they are asked to select the skills they wish to include on their CV.
We propose a number of potential skill priority metrics:
Random This serves as a neutral benchmark. It is also the most theoretically “hands off”.
Transferability score Transferability score = number of appearances of this skill in ESCO / number of occupations in ESCO . This may nudge users towards listing skills that are commonly used in many other opportunities, or in jobs commonly listed on the platform. If users are encouraged to select skills that are more transferable, we may be able to improve the visibility of skills that firms are interested in knowing about.
Inverse scarcity of skills Inverse scarcity of skills = inverse of number of other users with that score, conditional on the number being above 10 (to rule out idiosyncratic skills). More rare skills may also help job seekers to stand out more from the rest of the field of applicants, and help firms differentiate between job seekers more easily.
Some weighted average of these goals Its likely some mixture of these priorities is appropriate. It may also be that different jobs or different fields may require different weightings of the set of priorities. Developing a preferred weighted average may require some desk work to get input from field experts and literature about relative importance of different measures for particular industries or worker experience profiles.
“Other” field to search for skills Offering users the chance to describe their own skills offers another extreme hands off benchmark. This arm can also be used to validate the accessibility of the language used by the taxonomy to describe the skills surfaced to users.
More skill options For each of the above options we propose surfacing five skills. In this option we propose extending the list to surface more skill options for users to choose from.
We will follow a stratified random sampling strategy based on gender and the type of work the individual has performed (i.e. currently unemployed, microentrepreneur, and employed). The sample will be randomly assigned into treatment groups and each group will be presented with a pre-ranked set of skills. The testing could run for one to three weeks depending on logistical constraints for Harambee and the target sample size for each treatment cell. A/B testing in principle does not require detailed power calculations because patterns are informative even if they do not cross the threshold for academic statistically certainty. Samples as small as 20 users per arm could already offer indicative patterns, although on-platform may make it easy to reach far more users. A larger sample would naturally offer the advantages of more precise estimates of effect and the opportunity to account for the role demographic characteristics may play in mediating responses to different skills list orderings. We propose two levels of randomisation.
Randomise at the day/week level. While we prefer a day level randomisation, we are happy to work with logistical constraints of bringing various lists live on the platform. We could do every two days, or every week if one of these is easier. Each new randomisation block we will apply a different skill priority ranking. Cycle through each of the treatment arms repeatedly over 3 weeks. This will generate a treatment arm for each list priority order and therefore enable the central comparison of different potential skill priorities.
Once a month prompt an opportunity to review skills reported previously and surface skills in a randomly chosen priority (may be the same or different priority users have previously been asked). This will enable us to examine whether the same user reacts differently to receiving skills in different orders, and for users who are shown the same list twice, how stable elicitation is. A measure of skill reporting stability is useful because it can be used to decide how often the platform should prompt users to update their skills or CV. There are a number of reasons to believe that this will be less useful information than the primary randomisation, however, it will be important that the platform has the technical capacity to encourage users to modify which skills they are capturing in their inclusive CV so that we can implement the findings of the A/B testing for platform users in the control group.
Many of the indicators of which list to prefer can be collected from administrative data already on the platform. The primary measure of impact is the simple comparison of skills chosen under different treatment conditions. Statistical properties of the skills chosen offer information a number of dimensions of choice quality:
Correlation between skills chosen under different list orders can tell us the degree to which the different orders make a difference to the skills ultimately chosen.
Variation in skills chosen within a single priority type can tell us whether all individuals are behaving the same way, indicative of mechanical clicking/less engagement with individual matches with skills or thoughtful engagement.
Measures of how often the first three skills, or the first skill, or the last skill, or the skill most centrally displayed on the screen can capture indicators or mechanical clicking, or reduced engagement.
We could manually review a subset of respondents to evaluate skill choice against their profile.
UX measures of time to complete fields, number who start and abandon part way through.
Demographics which may mediate how users interact with skill lists can also be drawn from user profiles. We would likely focus on:
Date of birth (Month and Year)
Education level
Geographic location
Experience history (previous years employed)
Disability status
All of this information is available for users on the platform, so it would simply be a question of pulling the relevant administrative data.
If there is interest in using downstream outcomes to adjudicate between list priorities, we could also draw data on which jobs individuals who have been exposed to different lists click on and apply for. We could also ask firms to select skills they would like to see prioritized among platform applicants from similarly ordered lists to obtain a measure of firm preferences.
We could also collect additional data either using on-platform prompts, off-platform follow up surveys, or some small focus groups. Additional data would enable us to measure user satisfaction with the different lists, elicit user criteria for how they select between skills and evaluate how confident or committed users are about the skills they selected.
The Employment Journey (EJ) dataset compiled by Harambee is a valuable source of information about job-seekers' previous experience.
Harambee, through SAYouth, regularly collects updated employment information from youth enrolled on their platform. This information, collected over XX years, produces a rich database of held by enrolled youth across time, highlighting the diversity of employment journeys (EJ) among young South African job seekers. For each activity and occupation held by young job-seekers, the database contains titles, a brief job description and additional information on conditions of employment/engagement such as contract duration and permanence, business classification (product/service/both) etc.
We first look at the distribution of different types of livelihoods in the EJ data. As a first, cut, the data is decoded into three subsets for those who report any occupation or activity:
Those who report working for someone else, i.e. as being “employed” or having an “employer” are considered as a sample of the formal employment sector.
Those who report working for themselves i.e. "self-employed" are classified as microentrepreneurs and capture a sample of individuals from South Africa’s informal economy.
Volunteer work represents unpaid activities reported by jobseekers, and this includes a range of individual or community level unpaid work starting from apprenticeships to community service.
The formal and informal sectors together represent what we are calling the seen economy, while volunteer work and the 57.7% unemployed and unspecified sample represent the unseen economy. Strikingly, among those who have been involved in some work in the past 30 days, informal work and volunteer work make up 60% of cases. This confirms that, in the South African case, recognizing and highlighting skills acquired by young job-seekers in the unseen and informal economies is crucial for inclusivity.
Table 1: Distribution of Harambee EJ data across livelihood types
Livelihood type
Observations (N)
% of full sample
Formal sector
Microentrepreneur/informal sector
Volunteer work
Source: Harambee EJ Data
Note on data cleaning: As evident from Figure/Table 1, majority of individuals in the Harambee EJ data are classified as “unemployed”. Although individuals in this category do still occasionally report a job title, this is non-sensible. As such, we remove all unemployed individuals from our analysis and further remove those individuals whose livelihood type was categorized as “Unspecified”. This leaves a total of approximately 508 000 individual EJ records to analyze, of which 39.2% are in the formal sector, 31.7% in the informal/microenterprise sector, and 29.1% in volunteer work.
It is important to note that the EJ data, while a rich source of information, is available for a very specific selection of individuals: South African youth who have registered as jobseekers on the Harambee platform, with a disproportionate number of individuals located in and around the province of Gauteng in South Africa (see Table 2). Having an overrepresented urban sample could introduce biases in our analysis, as our assessment of whether ESCO is applicable to our context will be based on livelihood descriptions provided by these individuals.
To avoid such biases, we are making sure that the Harambee platform (version 0.1) allows users to use free text to describe their experiences. Thanks to this, all livelihoods types can be taken into account, and the new information provided can enrich Harambee's list of activities and occupations.
Table 2: Provincial breakdown of youth from Harambee EJ data relative to South African Quarterly Labour Force Survey data
Harambee EJ Data
Harambee EJ Data
QLFS 2023Q1
QLFS 2023Q1
Eastern Cape
Free State
North West
Northern Cape
Western Cape
Source: Own calculations using Harambee EJ Data and Statistics South Africa (2023)
Note: 1. The National Youth Commission (1996) defines youth as all individuals between the ages of 15 and 34 (inclusive). Due to the age of majority in South Africa being 18, we restrict our analysis to youth aged between 18 and 34 (inclusive). 2. Numbers from QLFS weighted using sampling weights.
About the data and analysis: The job transition analysis is based on SAYouth placement data of 164,527 unique youth who report multiple opportunities on the platform between 2012 through May 2024. These youth make up 4.3% of the 3.8 million youth who are registered on the platform, and 18.6% of the 884,000 unique youth that report at least (with 1.2 million total opportunities).
The analysis examines the first transitions made by these youth. This means, opportunities are only included if they have a valid start date and a valid opportunity type namely Public Employment Program (PEP), Formal Sector (FS), or Make Your Own Money (MYOM). Among youth who report multiple opportunities, 80% record two so we capture their full journey in this sample. For the remaining 20% with more than two reported opportunities, we examine only the first two.
Note that this analysis does not account for:
Youth who have a first opportunity and then do not transition to something else. When such gaps are present on a user’s profile, we cannot conclude whether the user became unemployed or simply did not update their SA Youth profile. For this reason, we do not consider them in this analysis.
Youth who gained employment and retained it, without transitioning to anything else. Youth who secure a job and stay in it for many months and years are positive outliers among South Africa’s youth. These youth are not studied in this analysis, however, because there is no transition to report.
A total of 329,054 placements in the data have been classified into one of three types of opportunities: PEP, MYOM/microenterprise, and formal sector. Of the three, the sample is PEP-heavy.
The analysis examines opportunities starting as early as 2012, but the majority fall within the 2020-2022 period. For 27% of transitions, the time between start dates of 1st & 2nd opportunities is less than 100 days. For 71% of transitions, this time between is less than 400 days.
Transitions overall, across PEP, FS and MYOM, are more likely to be within groups (60.3%) than between groups. PEP participants tend to transition to another PEP 71% of the time, and youth in the formal sector tend to transition to another role in the formal sector 54% of the time. Meanwhile, youth in MYOM opportunities are much less likely to transition to another MYOM opportunity (23%) than to the formal sector or PEPs.
Transitions from/to PEP: PEPs are the most common opportunities, with DBE as the single largest opportunity. 70% of youth in this sample participate in a PEP as a first and/or second opportunity. On net, there is transition out of PEP. However, 54% of all youth in the sample transitioned to a PEP, composed of 71% youth with prior PEP experience, 36% from MYOM and 29% from the formal sector.
Transitions from/to formal sector: The formal sector is the second most common type of opportunity overall, with 17% of all youth in this sample staying in the formal sector across both opportunities. On net, there is more transition into the formal sector. 32% of all youth in the sample transitioned to the formal sector, composed of 71% youth with prior FS experience, 41% from MYOM and 18% from PEP.
Transitions from/to formal sector: On net, more youth move into MYOM than moving out of. However, importantly, youth who were engaged in MYOM were nearly twice as likely to transition to the formal sector or PEPs than to a second MYOM opportunity. Of the 14% that transitioned into MYOM, 23% were previously engaged in MYOM, 17% from FS and 11% from PEP.
To validate our approach for the informal economy, we conducted a survey among a subset of South African micro-entrepreneurs registered to the Harambee website.
To assess the applicability of the ESCO taxonomy to the informal micro-entrepreneur economy of South Africa, we conducted a series of primary data collection exercises with Harambee users. The core objective of this data collection was to finally address two key questions:
1 - Can all activities in the informal micro-entrepreneur economy in South Africa be associated to at least one ESCO occupation?
2 - Does the ESCO taxonomy effectively encompass both occupation-specific skills and entrepreneurial skills prevalent in the informal micro-entrepreneur economy?
Throughout the data collection process, we collaborated closely with the Harambee team to ensure its relevance to the youth in South Africa. This collaboration encompassed various stages, including conceptualization, survey instrument design, and sampling.
Microentrepreneurs constitute a unique segment within the workforce, as they possess two distinct sets of skills. First, they possess occupation-specific skills directly related to their trade; for instance, a hairdresser possesses skills such as hair washing and styling. Second, they exhibit general entrepreneurial skills required for self-employment or own-account work, such as personal initiative and drive, identifying suppliers, resource management, and understanding customer needs.
Harambee facilitated focused group discussions (FGD) with 18-35 year-old, prior or current informal micro-enterprise owners within their network. These FGDs were designed to identify the second set of generic entrepreneurial skills that might be relevant to microentrepreneurs in South Africa
. Ten percent people with disabilities were included in the sample. To encourage participation, a circular was disseminated, inviting eligible individuals to join the FGDs, with selected participants offered R450 for their involvement
Each session featured diverse entrepreneurial activities among participants, ranging from car washing and music production to tutoring, baking, goods selling, and hairdressing. The FGDs were designed as a series of individual exercises combined with group discussions, aiming to gain insights into how young individuals perceive their skills as microentrepreneurs.
Participants received three skill lists from ESCO and , indicating skills they had, skills they didn't have but deemed relevant, and irrelevant or unclear skills for entrepreneurs. They then chose the lists, and skills within lists, that resonated most with their work.
The EntreComp list was most preferred, with 16 out of 33 participants (48%) choosing it as the list they resonated with the most. Participants commonly cited the relatability of the EntreComp list as the primary reason for its preference, noting that they could identify with most of the skills on that list. Other positive feedback highlighted its conciseness, clarity, and self-explanatory nature; emphasis on interpersonal skills related to business; and better inclusion of ideas, creativity, and motivation compared to the other lists.
Based on the FGD findings, EntreComp was a clear starting point for entrepreneurial skills. However, the primary objective of the data collection exercise was to assess the relevance of the ESCO framework in this domain. So a hybrid approach was adopted in formulating the final list: i) each skill in the EntreComp list was manually matched to the closest skill in the ESCO framework; ii) this list was then further enriched by incorporating skills from the ‘retail entrepreneur’ ESCO occupation. The final list included ### skills, collectively serving as the list of potential entrepreneurial skills for the primary data collection.
The second step of our work with Harambee was about deepening our insights into income-generating activities undertaken by young South Africans.
To do so, we developed a short online survey for individuals within the SA Youth network. The primary aim of the survey was to obtain accurate descriptions of the main micro-entrepreneurship activities individuals engaged in to earn income in the past 30 days. To achieve this, we included the following question:
"Tell us about the main way you make money. What things or services do you sell? Write a short sentence or two explaining what you do"
We also collected current contact details, the number of income-generating activities, time allocation across different activities, and a brief title for the respondents' primary activity.
The next step was to match individual's descriptions of activities from the viable responses with existing ESCO occupations. One option would be to perform this matching exercise manually, similar to the process for the formal economy. However, there were over 3,300 individual descriptions and 3,008 potential ESCO occupations to match these to. Not only would this be significantly labor-intensive, these methods are also highly prone to human-bias and error.
[do we have anything that discusses the risks of carrying over small errors/biases in framework or taxonomy development that can have large consequences in the long run?]
To streamline the process and mitigate the risk of bias, we opted for a two-part, sequential matching procedure leveraging artificial intelligence (Ai). In the first phase, we designed an algorithm capable of identifying up to three relevant ESCO occupations for each provided description. In the second phase, we reviewed these matches manually to evaluate the accuracy of these matches. Adjustments were made if a match was deemed inadequate or if we believed that an apparent occupation match had been overlooked.
NLP Techniques for Occupation Categorization: We considered various approaches - including Word2Vec, Doc2Vec, and BERT - but, ultimately, the easiest and most applicable approach for this first exercise was to make a simple prompt to OpenAI’s GPT models. The algorithm used OpenAI's GPT model to analyze all ESCO job descriptions and sort them under the following parameters:
We restricted the potential ESCO matches to the 4.1-digit level of the ESCO taxonomy. Limited scope ensures details while reducing risks of narrow, non-generalizable data on specialized jobs and skills.
The algorithm could offer multiple categories if there were several potential matches, but it was instructed not to provide more than three matches.
Zero matches were also allowed.
In total, 3,236 individuals (99%) were successfully matched to at least one potential ESCO occupation.
Finally, we evaluated the suitability of the ESCO taxonomy for informal microentrepreneurs. We developed a phone survey with three main objectives:
Objective 1: Verify if the ESCO occupations accurately represent individuals' work and if they would willingly identify themselves with these labels.
Evaluation: Participants were presented with each matched ESCO label and its description. They were then asked to consider whether these applied to their main way of making money.
Objective 2: Evaluate the relevance of the ESCO skills associated with each matched occupation
Evaluation: W.
Objective 3: Assess the relevance of the identified list of general entrepreneurial skills.
Evaluation: Five general entrepreneurial skills identified during the previous process were randomly selected for each participant.
The complete questionnaire can be found here
For each skill or knowledge tag, we designed several questions in order to determine its relevance to individuals’ work. These included whether individuals considered the skill as essential or optional, their perceived proficiency in the skill, their perception of how well other entrepreneurs in similar roles perform the skill, the importance of the skill to their own work, its importance to other entrepreneurs engaged in similar activities, and the perceived importance of the skill in a formal sector job akin to their work. We also incorporated a section aimed at identifying potential skill omissions from the ESCO taxonomy for informal micro-entrepreneurs. This section prompted participants to indicate if there were any other skills that were essential for their work that we had not inquired about.
The results of the micro-entrepreneurship survey seem to corroborate our approach, especially by highlighting the absence of systematic bias regarding own skill evaluation between different subgroups in the data. The full results of the survey can be found here.
Importantly, young South African on average consider that they are more skilled than the rest of job-seekers. This is positive, as it means that they are confident in their own skills.
Contrary to what one may expect, the data does not highlight any statistically significant difference in the estimation of respondents' own skills between males and females. If anything, it shows that female respondents tend to deem their own skills as more advanced, compared to their male counterparts.
Finally, there is no statistically significant difference between respondents' own skill evaluation based on whether or not they matriculated (finished high school).
Tabiya and Harambee's work on the unseen economy is an effort to recognize and utilize human capital built through unpaid work done by young jobseekers, particularly women.
We usually think of "employment" as work that earns money. But many people do important unpaid work at home and in their communities, like caring for family and community members, managing households, organizing community events or volunteering at local organizations. This work helps develop valuable skills. However, these skills are often overlooked in the job market.
The problem lends itself well to Tabiya's skills-first approach in the evaluation of human capability. In South Africa, 750,000 young women say they are not economically active due to homemaking activities. However, being a homemaker, does not need to be a sentence. Recognizing the human capital developed in this "unseen" work can unlock pathways into paid employment for these young women and many others like them who are skilled through "alternative" routes.
We start by looking at how people spend their time and then match these activities to skills contained within ESCO, our skills framework base of choice. This groundwork on taxonomy expansion is relatively straightforward to do, but equally complex to take to market.
Our shared understanding of what is and isn't "work", what is and isn't "employable" have been normatively developed over centuries. These perceptions exist both among jobseekers and employers. Skills gained in the unseen economy are not considered as viable or polished as those gained within a seen economy.
Changing narratives surrounding skills acquired in the unseen economy is a necessary step both to ensure that job-seekers' are aware of skills they have developed, but also that these highlighted skills are credible in the eyes of their future employers. Tabiya's works in this space on two fronts:
Research and Advocacy
Producing statistical evidence: Data collected through Harambee's SAYouth platform and various (quasi) experiments are used to build compelling evidence on the quality of skills acquired in the unseen economy, relative to the seen economy.
Advocacy: By sharing success stories and making scientific evidence understandable to employers, we aim to challenging their biases regarding the skillfulness of job-seekers from the unseen economy.
Including the unseen part of the economy in an usable taxonomy of occupations and skills comes with numerous challenges linked to the difficulty to grasp the skill content of daily tasks and to the diversity of daily habits among young job-seekers. We identified 3 key challenges associated with skills acquired in the unseen economy:
Transferability: Skills acquired in the unseen economy may not be directly useable in formal jobs i.e. some certification or skills-testing may be required for transferability.
For instance, many care-takers acquire basic - but also sometimes quite advanced - medical skill if they have been caring for a dependent adult - either and elderly individual or someone made dependent by a physical or mental disability or disease. However, it is very unlikely that those skills are useable in a formal setting, i.e. as a doctor or a nurse, as these two occupations require specific qualifications and trainings under strict regulations.
Proficiency: the level of skill acquired in the unseen economy may not be comparable to the average level of skill of someone performing the same tasks in a formal job.
For instance, a young job-seeker who has acquired cooking skills by talking care of children and feeding them may not have acquired skilled advanced enough - say, cutting techniques - to use them in a high-end restaurant.
Likelihood: performing a certain unseen activity does not imply that the person is using all skills potentially involved or required in this activity, particularly in formal jobs and for complex tasks.
For instance, if a young job seeker declares that he "prepares meals and snacks", it it very likely that they know how to prepare sandwiches and basic dishes. However, it is quite unlikely that they have advanced cooking skills like baking complex deserts - say, an opera cake.
Because of these three concerns, skills acquired in the unseen economy lack overall credibility, or in economic terms, signaling value. One qualifies a skill acquired in the unseen economy as "credible" if employers believe the claim of a young job-seekers declaring that they have acquired that skill in the unseen economy. This issue of credibility is not as forceful in the seen economy as employers are less likely to cast doubts on skills acquired in a formal setup - say, a firm - or in a very identifiable informal occupation - such as informal specialized seller.
Addressing the issue of the credibility of skills acquired in the unseen economy - and therefore issues of transferability, proficiency, and likelihood - is essential to Tabiya's goal of changing narratives around unseen activities. On the one hand, our task is to highlight the skills acquired in the unseen economy. On the other hand, acting as if skills acquired in the unseen economy were as credible as skills acquired in formal jobs would do disservice to young job-seekers from the unseen economy. Indeed, employers ultimately take hiring decisions based on their own beliefs and perception of the credibility of skills.
There is ample evidence that the way options are presented to users influence their picks. Understand users' biases is critical to improve the functioning of the Harambee platform.
Experience has shown that young jobseekers struggle to identify skills that are the most relevant to their professional occupations and hobbies, or the skills at which they are the most proficient. Yet, helping them navigate ill-functioning labour markets entails surfacing the full length of their human capital – namely, the full set of skills they possess -, while helping them to present it in a strategic manner to improve their job seeking perspectives. To help jobseekers do so, Harambee hopes to rely on static surveys prompting young jobseekers to select, for each of their occupation / activity, the five skills that they are the most proficient at. To do so, they will be presented with lists of ESCO skills associated with their activities, or with skills that have been selected through the work of Harambee and the Oxford Martin School (for micro-entrepreneurship and unseen activities). This raises the question of the optimal way to present skills to job seekers, to ensure that 1 – we cover their whole human capital, 2 – they can effectively pick relevant skills to populate their inclusive CVs, 3 – this process is efficient. Yet, evidence has shown that the way individuals are prompted to pick answers out of list of options impact their final decisions. In this note, I summarize some research pieces to inform how the lists of skills submitted to jobseekers by Harambee and OMS may influence the decisions.
These notes are based on « Cognitive and Affective Consequences of Information and Choice Overload” by Reutskaja et al.
Harambee has expressed concerns that the number of options presented to job seekers may overwhelm them, making their experience on the platform anxiety inducing and the results inefficient. These concerns are aligned with insights from behavioural science, focusing on the concept of “choice overload”. Intuitively, individuals presented with too many options to pick from may find it harder to pick ad experience anxiety, unsatisfaction, loss of motivation to pick, stress, or even choice paralysis. It is to be noted nevertheless that the reverse phenomenon, choice underload, may lead to frustration as well, as the desired options may not be presented to individuals. Behavioural theory suggests that the level of satisfaction felt by individuals prompter to pick a choice out of several options follows an inverted U-shape. Namely, the optimal number of options to give individuals is not the maximum.
The intuition behind this is the following. When presented with an increasing number of options, the needs of people are more likely to be satisfied. In our work, more options means that Harambee’s young job seekers are more likely to find the skills that they are the most of proficient at among the ones we present them with. This abundance of choices can also be beneficial from a psychological point of view. In our case, it may comfort users into the idea that they have large sets of skills, and thus allow them to have a more positive approach in their job search. On the other hand, large sets of options have psychological and time costs. Studies have shown that our minds do not account for the full sets of available information when taking decisions, but only subsets (Wedel and Pieter, 2007). Following Reutskaja et al’s terminology, this “inattentional blindness” means that jobseekers presented with long lists of skills risk ignoring skills that they would have picked in smaller sets of options. In the case of Harambee users, a large set of options may also induce stress, especially linked to the sentiment of forgoing important skills. Worse, it may lead to a loss of motivation to answer the prompt correctly, and to users selecting skills by default. This evidence suggest that Harambee is right to worry about the number of skills presented to young jobseekers being too large.
Once the lists of skills presented to young jobseekers have been narrowed down, the order in which the skills are presented is likely to impact their picks. As Harambee and the teams in Oxford are considering ordering the skills based on concepts such as transferability (essentially, the frequency with which a skill is associated with an occupation in ESCO), understanding how that order may influence users’ pick is critical. Intuitively, one could think that users tend to pick the first skill presented to them, especially when they must take an action (click “see more”, for instance) to see other options. Studies researching the effect of the order of questions in online surveys suggest that order does matter. A study conducted in the US in 2008 found that low-education respondents who answer surveys quickly – which is likely to be the case of Harambee users – a most prone to primacy effects (bias toward selecting earlier response choices). A study conducted in Xiao et al in 2024 also observes such bias, while finding that it is inexistent in “objective questions”, for instance those pertaining to demographics.
The implications for the Harambee platform are not straightforward. On the one hand, Harambee may seek to nudge job seekers into picking skills that Harambee’s counsellors consider as better picks. This would imply putting these skills on top of the list of options. On the other hand, Harambee may choose not to try and influence users’ picks. However, a random order would effectively lead to answers biased toward the first options presented. Countering this bias is not evident, which may be another argument to choose to hierarchize skills.
Nudging and Agency: the paradox behind libertarian paternalism is at the heart of the criticisms addressed to R. Thaler and C. Sunstein’s 2008’s book Nudge. Their argument is that modifying the architecture of choices – namely the way the information is presented to individuals bound to make decisions – does not influence the range of options an individual may pick, nor impair their capacity to choose freely. Moreover, the baseline architecture of choice tends to skew decisions toward bad outcomes. Namely, no architecture of choice is neutral, as the rationality of humans is bounded. Therefore, nudging does not impair agency.
The evidence previously quoted finally suggest that choice overload is different from information overload. Namely, the sentiment of discomfort felt by individuals in choice overload does not come from the number of options only, but also from being prompted to choose a subset of options. Intuitively, the disproportion of the option set with the allowed number of picks – too many options, too few picks – makes choosing uncomfortable. This is likely to be especially true in the case of Harambee users selecting skills, as choosing skills to populate a CV is consequential. Being prompted to choose 5 skills is likely to create two issues: 1 – Encourage people to select 5 skills although they are not proficient in some of them. Picking less skills may make users lose confidence by suggesting they have few skills. 2 – Make users feel like they are not able to surface enough of their human capital, which may create frustration.
However, it is unrealistic to populate CV’s with more than 5 skills per occupation. Moreover, the occupation title also sends signals to employers about jobseekers’ skill sets. Therefore, we only recommend adjusting the prompt from “Pick the five skills that you are the most proficient at” to “Pick up to five skills that you are the most proficient at”.
All in all, evidence appear to justify narrowing down the lists of options presented to young jobseekers on the Harambee platform. It also gives evidence that the order of options matters, which may inform decisions taken by Harambee. Finally, it suggests choosing a prompt carefully, so as to not induce stress or demotivation on the platform’s users.
Neil Malhotra, Completion Time and Response Order Effects in Web Surveys, Public Opinion Quarterly, Volume 72, Issue 5, December 2008, Pages 914–934, https://doi.org/10.1093/poq/nfn050.
Reutskaja, E., Iyengar, S., Fasolo, B., & Misuraca, R. (2020). Cognitive and affective consequences of information and choice overload. In Routledge handbook of bounded rationality (pp. 625-636). Routledge.
Thaler, R. H., & Sunstein, C. R. (2008). Nudge: Improving decisions about health, wealth, and happiness. Yale University Press.
Wedel, M., & Pieters, R. (Eds.) (2007). Visual Marketing: From attention to action. Hove: Psychology Press.
Xiao, Yaqing and Yan, Hongjun and Davidson, Erik, Response Order Biases in Economic Surveys (February 2, 2024). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3786894 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3786894.
The ICATUS Taxonomy provides a complete picture of how people use their time. Based on the assumption that all activities build human capital, we attempt to connect ICATUS and ESCO.
The International Classification of Activities for Time-Use Statistics (ICA-TUS) classifies .
ICATUS activities are meant to partition the universe of conceivable daily activities in an exclusive manner: each activity can only fall into only one ICATUS category. Therefore, the taxonomy provides a solid starting point and strong conceptual structure into our work on the unseen economy. Additionally, as the universally-recognized and accepted standard framework for time-use statistics, it allows for nation-wide and cross-country comparisons of how people use their time.
However, while ICATUS is designed to be consistent in definitions with economic frameworks like the SNA 2008 and ISIC, it serves a broader purpose than defining economic or productive activities. Thus, it is not directly mappable to the ISCO, and by extension, ESCO skills - the core framework we use.
Hence, the first objective of Tabiya and Harambee's work on ICATUS was to match its activities to ESCO skills. In the long run, in concept, this could allow SAYouth users, from the unseen economy or with experience in the unseen economy, to select their main time-uses and be presented with candidate skills to highlight on their CVs and inform a job-matching algorithm.
The teams had two levels at which these matches could be made:
Time-use activity to skill: Matching ICATUS activities directly to ESCO skills using natural language processing (NLP). In this case, skills matched may be spread out across various occupations and not cohesive. Matching outcomes and precision would be systematic but highly reliant on the richness of skills and activity descriptions.
Time-use activity to occupation: Matching ICATUS activities to ESCO occupations. In this case, we would be tentatively attributing all skills under the matched occupation as a potential candidate skill. Given the shorter list of occupations to match to, this could be done manually by team members.
Given the scarcity of the readily available data on platform users' description of their daily tasks, the second option was selected. ICATUS activities were thus each matched to up to 4 ESCO occupations manually by a team of 3 researchers. These matches then allowed the team to derive a candidate list of skills for each ICATUS activity by the ESCO taxonomy.
Assigning ESCO occupations to ICATUS activities was based on similarity between their definitions. For instance, "preparing meals and snacks" in ICATUS involves - according to its definition - tasks that are those of "cooks" and "kitchen assistants" in ESCO. Therefore, the complete list of ESCO skills associated with "cooks" and "kitchen assistants" was assigned to "preparing meals and snacks" in ICATUS.
The skills list obtained from the first-stage mapping was hardly useable. Each ICATUS activity ended up being associated with a large number of skills. In the example pictured above, "Preparing meals and snacks" generated a first-stage list of 59 skills. These skills fall along a broad spectrum of signaling power and relevance for a jobseeker from the unseen economy: some are too elementary to be worth mentioning such as "washing and cleaning vegetables" while others being too formal-sector specific for most home-cooks to have relevant knowledge of such as "designing indicators for food waste reduction".
In order to provide a manageable list of skills to job seekers on the Harambee Platform 0.1, the second-and third stage of this exercise attempts to trim this tentative list of skills. First, the Tabiya team removes skills deemed obviously not consistent with the definitions and description of the respective ICATUS activities. This was done to provide a relatively leaner and relevant list to experts at the Harambee panel of South African labor market experts and intermediators.
For this second stage skills selection, Tabiya followed 4 rules:
As a first step, we isolated and mainly focus on skills, to the extent that certain knowledges listed in ESCO tend to be redundant with skills i.e. their presence in the list does not bring new information content. For example, if a young job seeker "uses cooking techniques", this implies that they to know "cooking techniques".
However, certain knowledges were kept in for panelists' discretion when they brought important new information. For instance, "common children's diseases" may be deemed an essential knowledge for child care, whether or not one has firsthand experience of having dealt with them.
#2 Delete irrelevant skills:
We exclude skills that had been unduly associated to ICATUS activities on account of the two frameworks not being completely aligned in definition, concept and function. In ICATUS, each activity is clearly defined, including a detailed list of tasks that are included or excluded, along with examples. ESCO follows a similar structure, but ICATUS activities are usually broader and conceptually different from ESCO occupations.
"Budgeting, planning, and organizing duties and activities in the household", an ICATUS activity, is not an explicit occupation and thus absent in ESCO. To align ESCO skills with this ICATUS activity, it has been matched to the ESCO occupations "Office Clerk," "Accountant," and "Bed and Breakfast Operator," which cover tasks related to household management. However, each occupation extends beyond the ICATUS activity. For example, "Bed and Breakfast Operator" includes the skill "serve beverages," a task that is completely irrelevant to the ICATUS activity in question.
#3 Delete skills that are deemed too formal
Some skills inside ESCO occupations directly refer to situations or tasks only possible to do in the seen economy, whether it is formal or informal. For example, "maintain customer service" cannot be appropriately associated with "serving meals and snacks", as a home-cook would not have "customers" and would only be serving meals and snacks to one's own family members or at best house guests. The underlying assumption here is that this process requires using only literal meanings of skills; in this case, unpaid service to family and guests is fundamentally different from having to serve paying customers.
#4 De-duplication
Duplicated skills, both verbatim and in content, were removed from the aggregate list of skills originating from stitching all potential ESCO occupation matches. For example, "Outdoor cleaning" was associated with both "prune plants" and "prune hedges and trees", it is debatable how much marginal information retaining both provides.
However, content de-duplication is not straightforward within ESCO. In the above example, "prune plants" does not contain the subskill "prune hedges and trees", even though hedges and trees are obviously plants. Instead, it contains the subskill "perform hand pruning". Basically, the organization of ESCO itself is not straightforward or intuitive, complicating content-based de-duplication.
As one of our main tools to build a localized and inclusive ESCO taxonomy for South Africa, Tabiya organized a panel discussion to channel Harambee's knowledge of South African young jobseekers.
The panel ended in May 2024 and its results are still being processed. This page is thus a work in progress.
When it comes to assessing the transferability and credibility of skills acquired by job-seekers in the unseen economy, employers are likely to display strong biases. Namely, when a young job-seekers declares that he possesses skill A, an employers is likely to consider that skill A acquired in the unseen economy is not equivalent to skill A aquired in the seen economy, both in terms of the level of skillfulness (credibility) and nature of the skill (transferability).
Employers hold strong biases and priors when assessing the transferability and credibility of skills acquired by job-seekers in the unseen economy. That is, when a young jobseeker claims that he possesses skill A, an employer will likely note that skill A acquired in the unseen economy is not equivalent to skill A acquired in the seen economy, both in terms of substance (transferability) and intensity (credibility). This is a key challenge when building a taxonomy inclusive of unseen experience.
To build an inclusive taxonomy, our challenge is, therefore, to try to get an unbiased overview of the skills that could be associated with unseen activities defined in the ICATUS framework. There exist no data systematically estimating the skillfulness of workers and people involved in the unseen economy, although some work has been conducted to assess the acquisition of basic skills (literacy, numeracy) among Harambee users (cf. Kate Orkin). Our approach therefore relies on an attempt to oppose different biases in order to get a sense of the credibility of skills associated with unseen activities. Our guess is that, by making people who have different views on the unseen economy discuss, we may obtain a clearer picture of the value agents give to skills acquired in the unseen economy.
Representation across 4 key interests/stakes in this space are ideal for a panel with these objectives:
Employers. Understanding the demand-side perceptions on credibility of skills acquired in the unseen economy is essential to building an intermediation tool that successfully promotes the skills of jobseekers coming from outside the labor market.
Intermediation experts who work with both supply (jobseekers) and demand (employers) sides reflect both the will to improve labor market inclusivity and realistic understanding of what works for job market success.
Jobseekers from the unseen economy can provide the clearest idea of what tasks they are capable of and to what extent. Additionally, they can also provide valuable insights on tendencies and upward biases in overreporting and misrepresenting skillfulness to get jobs.
Auxiliary beneficiaries of the unseen economy are all individuals that benefit from unseen work including children, dependent and non-dependent adults, families operating household firms etc. These participants can offer valuable third-party perspective on skills acquired in the unseen economy by jobseekers.
Mobilizing such a large and dispersed panel of individuals is complex and difficult to implement. Specifically, it was deemed close to impossible to mobilize employers to participate in such an exercise within a reasonable timeframe. Looking back after completing the exercise, it would have indeed been extremely difficult given the length of the exercise. As a result of the different constraints, the panel was held with 5 to 7 members of Harambee, the number of panels percipients varying between the phases of the exercise and in-between online surveys. While the limited panel participants made it difficult to aggregate answers, it made the exercise more manageable, especially when it came to ensuring that responses from panelists within the given timeframe and ensuring attendance at the online panel discussion. All that being said, the experience gathered during the Harambee panel may help us to bring to the table more diverse actors in the future.
The OMS research team’s initial proposal for the organization of the panel was not possible to implement due to the lack of time of panelists and the overall length of the exercise. Adapting the exercise to the constraints gradually discovered by the team allowed it to come up with a more realistic methodology that is replicable, albeit improvable. This document presents the new methodology used after the initial conception of suggested skill lists by the OMS team.
Participants were first briefed on key concepts to be used throughout the panel, followed by an online survey that aimed to elicit participants' perceptions/assessment of signaling values of skills under specific activities. The last phase was an in-person panel discussion focused on transferability and proficiency.
In panels like these, that attempt to bridge theoretical interpretations of labor market behavior with practical understanding of the space, i.e. a collaboration of academics and practitioners, it is important that all parties precisely agree on the terminology and concepts being referenced. Panel participants were first provided a briefing on concepts used to describe the signaling value of skills and experiences, to be read before starting the online surveys.
The online survey had 6 modules covering all ICATUS activities under the three categories for unseen economy: Group 3: Unpaid domestic services for household and family members, Group 4: Unpaid caregiving services for household and family members, and Group 5: Unpaid volunteer, trainee and other unpaid work. In each module, , and for each the activities, all suggested skills were shown. For ease of use, the research team pre-organized the skills into categories similar skills, such as “communication skills” or “management skills”. For each skill, respondents were prompted to assign a signaling value score ranging from 0 “no signaling value” to 3 “high signaling value”. By the end of the exercise, a total of 7 responses were collected for the first two modules, 6 each for modules 3, 4, 5 and 6.
The Harambee in-person panel was the final step in associating a final list of ESCO skills to ICATUS activities, using signaling value as a discriminating characteristic. The two- and half-hour session included all online survey participants except one. For this discussion, the research team first identified skills that demonstrated high variance in signaling value based on the survey results. On the panel, participants were asked to discuss the signaling value of these high-variance skills, first focusing on on likelihood, transferability, and proficiency, before opening discussions into other considerations.
The Harambee panel helped achieve clarity on several aspects of this unseen skills-association exercise: first, it allowed the research team to adapt the list of unseen activities to the South African context; second, it allowed the research team to better understand concepts used by labor market intermediation professionals in thinking about the signaling value of skills. The exercise was also a useful proof of concept in combining qualitative inputs to taxonomy building and suggests that reproducing this methodology in other national contexts will be essential.
For each activity in ICATUS, skills mapped to it were scored by up to 7 Harambee participants on the online survey based on their perceived signaling value. There were two options in aggregating these scores: we could average the results or assign final value based on majority results. Given the small sample of responses, both of these approaches had high risks of generating "spurious precision". Therefore, the team opted for a segmented approach based on variance in perceived signaling value:
1) scores for skills-occupation dyads with no consensus (i.e. half 0 “no signaling value” and 3 “high signaling value”) were set aside for further deliberation through the in-person panel.
2) low variance skills-occupation dyads were assigned a final score that summed all responses.
Despite the initial instruction for the panel to use likelihood, transferability, and proficiency as the signaling value pillars to score skills by, there was frequent debate about other components that the panel included in the scoring. The first and most prevalent other component was South African context specific considerations. The panel often relied on their understanding of the South African labor market to assign signaling value scores. In fact, they relied on this as much (in frequency terms) as the other likelihood, transferability, and proficiency indicators. The other concept that frequently came up during the panel was the panel’s expertise on the expectation of the response of the average South African entry-level employer to a given skill. Given the Harambee panel’s labour market expertise, they were particularly well placed to infer how a representative employer would react to a skill. Thus, the panel used this inference in deciding which high-variance skills to assign no, low, medium, and high relative signaling value strengths to.
The virtual workshop provided the first opportunity for panelists to engage live with one another over the survey and skills selection process. Hence, two ad hoc decisions we made by the panel. First, the panel elected to remove the term “social service users” from ESCO skills. Due to the term’s ambiguity and incompatibility with the South African context, the panel elected to have it replaced with a more intuitive term such as “people” or “dependents”. The final decision implemented by the research team has been to replace ESCO skills comprised of the term “social service users” with similar ESCO skills that do not include the term. For example, the ESCO skill “Assist social service users with physical disabilities” will be replaced with the ESCO skill “assist individuals with disabilities in community activities”. This rule has been adopted for uniformity in all skills in the localized taxonomy related to social service users.
In addition, the ICATUS Group Level activity entitled “Tending furnace, boiler, fireplace for heating and water supply” was removed from the localized taxonomy because of the inapplicability of the activity and its associated skills to the South African context. The closest version that could replace “Tending furnace, boiler, fireplace for heating and water supply” that is found in the South African Time Use Survey at the Group Level is “Chopping wood, lighting fire and heating water not for immediate cooking purposes”. Despite the existence of this potential replacement, the panel elected that this replacement was not worth including in the finalised taxonomy due to its likely inapplicability and scarcity in the South African labour market.
During the virtual workshop, the panel expressed that it found transferability, likelihood, and proficiency to be good signaling value indicators. They found that these indicators were especially enhanced with their knowledge of the South African context. The panel members cited lengthiness and repetitiveness as the main criticisms of the process. Adding page numbers to each survey was suggested as a way to manage survey length expectations and, in turn, better allocate time to completing the survey.
a. Likelihood
The argument of the likelihood that a jobseeker has a skill was used very frequently during the discussions. The arguments relating to the likelihood of a jobseeker having a skill were based varied among examples. In most, they were based on the knowledge respondents have about the South African context. For instance, “teaching young horses” was deemed unlikely in link with the “daily pet care” activity, with respondents acknowledging that they would expect the likelihood to be higher in a European context. Another example is that driving skills were deemed to have a low likelihood in link with activities consisting in accompanying dependent adults or children, as participants stressed that moving around entailed less car rides than it would in Europe. In some other cases, the likelihood that a jobseeker has a skill based on an activity is deemed to be low because the skill tag is conceptually remote from the activity title. For instance, although a young jobseeker volunteering in a church could possibly participate in accounting activities, accounting skills seem to be conceptually to far remote from the idea an employer may have of volunteering in a church. Finally, respondents stressed that to answer they had to assume the exact activity young jobseekers were doing. For instance, volunteering in another household’s firm is not precise enough for an employer to infer what skills the jobseeker may have. This calls for a further improvement of the unseen taxonomy.
b. Transferability
Transferability was another of the main concepts presented to panel participants. Therefore, the concept was also widely used during the conversations. Sometimes, the concept was used in the right way. For instance, preserving food has been deemed to be weakly transferable, as professional food preservation relies on scientific principles and rules that one does not typically use in the unseen economy. However, the concept of transferability was also mixed up with other concepts multiple times. For instance, it was mixed up with likelihood, when participants stated that a given experience “did not transfer” to a skill. It was also used concomitantly with proficiency. When is skill was deemed to be basic, for instance tending grass, then it as deemed transferable. Overall, panel users seemed to deem skills to be on average more transferable than likely, but the two concepts appeared as equally important.
c. Proficiency
The concept of proficiency was almost not used by panel participants. More precisely, it was only invoked through the transferability of skills, when participants guessed that basic skills were more transferable and thus had more signalling value. Otherwise, discussions around how good a jobseeker might be able to get at given skills through given activities was not discussed.
d. Labor market demand
Discussions around labour demand were rather unwanted by the team prior to the panel, as the research team hoped that “what employers want” would not influence the making of skills lists for ICATUS activities. However, some interesting conversations happened where panellists stressed that some unseen experiences could have a very signalling value for very specific employers. They thus deemed it important to keep certain skills visible on our skills lists, to allow jobseekers to signal them. On the contrary, some skills were left aside as participants deemed the demand for it to be low.
e. South African context
As described before, the South African context was mobilised multiple times along with the concept of proficiency, usually to argue that a skill or occupation was not relevant to the South African context. The later was unexpected, as the panel decided to delete “Tending furnace, boiler, fireplace for heating and water supply” and “Accompanying non-dependent adults” from the list of unseen activities altogether. Considerations around the South-African context fed into discussions about other concepts such as likelyhood and transferability, for instance through qualifications. Indeed, some skills were deemed not to be transferable on the ground that they require qualifications in South Africa.Such an account for the South African context is perfectly aligned with what the research team hoped the panel would discuss.
f. Stretch between the activity title and the skill
Participants stressed multiple times that although skills relating to an activity might be likely and transferable, they are sometimes too far remote from each other. Therefore, an employer would be unlikely to think about skill A if a young jobseeker came with the unseen experience X. Conversely, some individual skills were deemed very valuable in themselves, but the panel thought that it is unlikely that a user picking the activity they are associated with would do it to pick them. Namely, some skills are unlikely to be picked, not because they are not valuable or transferable, but because picking them would require picking activities that users are unlikely to choose. This finding was of great relevance for the work of Tabiya, as it suggests that a taxonomy like ESCO may not be flexible enough for jobseekers to surface their human efficiently.
g. Naming of skills
Finally, multiple comments from participants referred to the naming of skills, that was deemed to make skills un-pickable for young jobseekers. In particular, many skills refer to “social services users”, for instance “assist social service users with physical disabilities” or “social service users to live at home”. Although the human capital signalled by these skill-tags was deemed to be relevant by panellists, they noted that the added precision of “social service users” made the skill less relevant, as it refers to a much more formal environment than the ones young jobseekers from the unseen economy are working in. In practice, skills like “assist social service users with physical disabilities” were deemed to have a low signalling value, although it was recognized that a skill like “assist individuals with physical disabilities” would have received a higher score. Yet, these skills do not have neutral equivalents that do not refer to “social service users”. Therefore, it was suggested to create new skills.
The in-person panel proved useful to understand how Harambee workers think about the signalling value of skills in relation with occupations. Although we imposed three concepts (likelihood, proficiency, transferability), panellists appeared to find them useful, although proficiency was discussed less than the two others. Interesting remarks that feed into our concept of signalling value include the importance of qualifications (a skill may have a proficiency, transferability, and likelihood score but send a weak signal because it typically entails formal training). Second, it was interesting to see that skill tags influence the signalling value scores when they become too specific to a given context (social service users).
The in-person panel served as a proof of concept for further use of this qualitative methodology to adapt ESCO to local taxonomies. The exercise was deemed successful overall, albeit time-consuming. Unexpectedly, the exercise also brought about discussions that seem to call for solutions like Compass to overcome the rigidity of taxonomies.
Discussions surrounding the South African context, rather they touch upon what unseen activities young jobseekers might do or upon qualifications and demand side needs brought important insights used in building the “unseen” part of our localized taxonomy. Therefore, it gave encouraging results when it comes to using the same methodology in our next countries (France, Ethiopia…).
When it comes to organizing the panel, the research team ended up changing its initial plans multiple times. Online surveys proved to be very time consuming for respondents, who explicitly suggested that the research team shortens lists more than it did already to facilitate the work of panellists. The in-person panel on the other hand seems to have been liked by panellists and was fruitful. The suggestions for further panel iterations are the following:
1 – Apply the skills selections rules more stringently before presenting them to the panel, to reduce the time needed to answer the online surveys.
2 – Organise an in-person panel session to answer the first survey, along with the training session that was provided in this iteration. This was suggested by panellists so that the variance in answers is lower.
3 – Panellists should initially be asked which of the ICATUS activities they deem relevant for their local context, to avoid the situation of “tending furnaces”.
4 – Online surveys should include an indication of the overall length of the survey.
It is to be noted that this panel exercise suggested the need for a solution like Compass. Panellists stressed multiple time the lack of connection between skills and the ICATUS activities that they were linked with. While recognizing that some skills could have a high signalling value and be very relevant in the South African labour market, they considered that young jobseekers were unlikely to be able to highlight them because they were unlikely to pick certain ICATUS activities. This highlights multiple sources of rigidity in localized ESC0 taxonomies. First, our taxonomy is based on ICATUS, which covers all productive non-paid time uses but groups them in buckets that may not speak to platform users. Second, UX constraints call for the lists of skills associated to each ICATUS activity to be limited, which necessarily leaves aside certain skills. Therefore, the unseen taxonomy does not include all the skills that a young jobseeker might want to highlight, which is a common issue with ESC0 and results from the trade-off between a taxonomy that is inclusive (includes many skills for all occupations) and informative (limits the number of skills associated with each occupation). One solution to this is to have a flexible algorithm, allowing jobseekers to find skill through their experiences but also ad hoc, and thus highlight the full range of their human capital.
Each survey’s distribution is shown below. Each ICATUS Major Group has relatively different distributions. This is likely driven by the fact that the survey respondents’ sample size changed within each major division in an already small panel population pool. Note that the signal values are the aggregation of individual panel respondents’ answers. Therefore, Figure 1’s signal value axis is larger than Figures 2 and 3, which each had fewer respondents.
The variance of answers associated with each skill was particularly important because of their applicability to the live panel workshop discussion. The rationale used was that skills with the highest signaling score variances would be the most worthwhile to attain agreement on amongst all the survey respondents, given that this exercise could only be performed on a subset of all the skills chosen during the survey.
We isolated 20 of the skills with the highest variances per ICATUS Major Division. Ultimately, though, the skill with the 20th highest variance within each Major Division shared this variance with at least four other skills. Thus, the list of 20 high-variance skills expanded in each Division. A total of 26 skills ultimately comprised the high-variance skills for ICATUS Major Division 3, 24 for ICATUS Major Division 4, and 47 for ICATUS Major Division 5.
Following the virtual workshop, the high variance skills that were not discussed were assigned inferred signal scores based on the learnings from the panel. These scores were sent to three Harambee panel members for verification before their final incorporation into the taxonomy.
A virtual two-and-a-half-hour workshop to discuss skills with the highest occurring variances per survey was hosted on the 30th of May 2024. Six of the seven survey respondents joined the session (though some respondents had to move into and out of the workshop). From this session, 12 skills from Surveys 1 and 2 (ICATUS Major Division 3) were discussed, nine skills from Surveys 3 and 4 (ICATUS Major Division 4) were discussed, and nine skills from Surveys 5 and 6 (ICATUS Major Division 5) were also discussed (this does not include skills and activities which need rewording or will be deleted from the taxonomy).
Of the 12 ICATUS Major Division 3 skills discussed, 83.3% were deemed to have no signaling value (a signaling score of zero), none of the skills were deemed to have low signaling value (a signaling score of one), 16.7% were deemed to have medium signaling value (a signaling score of two), and none of the skills discussed obtained a high signaling value. For ICATUS Major Division 4, 55.6% of the total ten skills were assigned a no signaling value score (a signaling score of zero), none were assigned a low signaling value (a signaling score of one), 22.2% were assigned a medium signaling value score (a signaling score of two), and 22.2% of the skills discussed obtained a high signalling value score. Finally, 66.6% of the nine ICATUS Major Division 5 obtained a no signaling value score (a signaling score of zero), and the remaining 33.3% was equally shared between low, medium, and high signaling value scores amongst the discussed skills. Figure 4 depicts the workshop’s signal value discussion over all ICATUS groups. It is clear from the figure that skills that were heavily contested in the survey were ultimately deemed to have no signalling value once panel members had a chance to pose arguments for and against these skills.
Once we received the remaining high variance skills’ scores, we adopted a “traffic light” decision rule. That is, 33.3% of the skills with the lowest signaling value scores within an ICATUS Group (highest level of disaggregation) form part of the red category. These skills are removed from consideration on the SA Youth platform. 33.3% of the skills with the highest signaling value scores form part of the green category. These skills are surfaced at the top of the list of skills options that SA Youth users can select. The mid-range signaling value scores comprise the remaining 33.3% and are in the orange category. These orange category skills are surfaced beneath the full list of green category lists on the SA Youth platform. Below are three diagrams that show the absolute number of skills that will remain due to the enforcement of the traffic light decision rule for each ICATUS Major Division.
Beyond providing a localised technical answer to Harambee, Tabiya's work in South Africa also allowed us to evaluate the possibility to use the ESCO taxonomy in other national set ups.
Although it is constently improved to include more occupations and skills, the ESCO classification does not yet - and will probably never - cover the full universe of skills and occupations in Europe and, a fortiori, in the world. Working with Harambee and working to build an inclusive taxonomy for the South African youth thus called for solutions to adapt and supplement ESCO. These challenges provided us with valuable insights on reproducing our methodology in other countries.
How was the ESCO classification built?
One of the main takeaways of our work for Harambee is already that ESCO presents some internal inconsistencies. The ESCO classification results from the work of experts, as described above. This human based methodology has advantages:
It allows to avert a data-mining (CVs, job offers) exercise based on data of unequal quality. Job offers and CVs also notoriously overestimate the skills associated with a given occupation.
Relying on data-mining would have resulted in a taxonomy highlighting the skills that are frequently sought for by employers and displayed by current workers. Therefore, it would tend to invisibilize rare associations of skills and occupations.
Unclear decision rules: some anecdotal examples highlight internal inconsistencies in ESCO, that are likely due to unclear decision rules. For instance, "nanny" (5311.1.4) is associated with various skills, among which "cook pastry products", whereas "babysitter" (5311.1.2) also requires to know how to cook various products, but not pastries. There is no a priori reason why that should be the case, as the two occupations are conceptually very close.
This example reveales that the reliance of ESCO on reference groups allows for non-systematic associations of skills with occupations. Although reference groups surely agreed on general rules to decide wether to associate a skill to an occupation or not, this still leaves room for interpretation. Although such inconsistencies do not risk to prevent users of the Harambee platform from picking skills that they have - platform users always have the option to add skills that they think were missed - it risks influencing their pick of skills by modifying the architecture of their choices.
Tradeoff between representativity and inclusivity: Taxonomies like ESCO are meant to impose structure on data (occupations*skills bundles) that is extremely rich and diverse. Although it is not built on measures of the frequency of the co-appearance of each occupation-skill bundles, relying on human decisions and focus groups still reproduces similar issues: rare occupation-skill associations are necessarily overlooked, to avoid the list of skills associated to occupations becoming too long and, therefore, noninformative and useless.
To maximize the representativity and the inclusivity of our taxonomy, while limiting the length of the lists of skills associated witheach occupation, the solution we chose is to keep relying on a "lean" version of ESCO, while allowing platform users to suggest other pre-existing skills when they are assigned a list of skills. When the Harambee platform will go live, we will be able to highlight systamatic occupation-skill associations that are not already included in ESCO, and to potentially decide to enrich our taxonomy.
The ESCO taxonomy under its current appears to cover most of the "seen" occupations found in the South African labour market, and the same can be said of skills. The data collected among microentrepreneurs suggests that the latter rarely claim to have occupations or skills that are not already covered by ESCO. Moreover, the Harambee platform aims at offering an "other occupation" and "other skill" option. Therefore, collecting data directly from a large number of job-seekers will allow to evaluate the overall representativity of ESCO in the South African labour market.
However, our work with Harambee in South-Africa already convinced us that extending ESCO to include the unseen economy should be at the core of our work, as it allows to build a more inclusive taxonomy. Collecting data about users usage of this part of the taxonomy will allow us to measure the importance of this tool to cover the full range of human capital in the South African labour market.
When it comes seen activities, the microentrepreneurship survey suggests that ESCO satisfactorily covers skills and occupations found in the South African labour market.
The data analysis of the microentrepreneurship survey is still ongoing. Final results will be provided hereby shortly.
for self-discovery: Many people don't realize the value of skills they've gained from unpaid work. Developed with support from Google.org, Compass is an AI-enabled conversational tool help job seekers explore and discover all their skills. The tool is particularly useful for this work in that through candid interactions, it facilitates a structured exploration and presentation of people's unseen skills, that many may struggle to think about and articulate in "professional terms".
The content of ESCO has been developed using "ESCO reference groups" for each subcategory of occupations. These groups "[brought] together experts from different economic sectors and include[d] employers, education and training providers, trade union representatives, job recruiters, and sector skills council members". An additional "cross-sector" reference group also had the duty to develop a vocabulary for transversal skills and competences, which were later used for transversal skills of ESCO occupations. For additional information on the creation of ESCO, refer to this . Importantly, ESCO is not built from scratch, as it makes use of the EURES taxonomy and existing "supporting" classifications.
However, relying on focus groups also creates consistency issues. For instance, the ESCO research group has highlighed the existence of . Because there are multiple reference groups, some conceptually similar skills were created for different occupations under different names. More broadly, we faced two issues. First, the decisions rules used to assign skills to occupations are unclear. Second, using a taxonomy like ESCO entails decisions about a tradeoff between the representativity and the inclusivity of the taxonomy.
As described , the main challenge to adapt the inclusive taxonomy to the South African context was to ensure that platform users could access skill and occupation titles that resonate with them. Our experience in South Africa has shown that including alternative titles in our taxonomy was necessary for users to navigate the platform.