South Africa: Tabiya X Harambee

In South Africa, Tabiya partners with Harambee, a not-for-profit social enterprise working on youth unemployment and an anchor-partner for SA Youth, the national employment pathway management network.

Why South Africa?

South Africa faces high youth unemployment rates calling for action into improving intermediation between young job-seekers and employers. Despite being a problem shared with many other countries in the region, the South African case is of particular interest because of the diversity of large scale private and semi-governmental undertakings meant to bring answers to these challenges. Harambee and SAYouth were products of these efforts, and the large database of users, network of stake-holders, and expertise hosted by these organizations present unique opportunities to explore and test a breadth of technical solutions to labour market intermediation.

Our Partner: Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator

Founded in 2011, Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator is a not-for-profit social enterprise working to find solutions to youth unemployment in South Africa, and having expanded operations to Rwanda as of 2018. The organization is an anchor partner for SAYouth, South Africa's national network for youth employment pathway management. Within SAYouth, Harambee operates the multi-channel, tech-enabled SA Youth Platform (sayouth. mobi), which connects a network of 3.8 million jobseeking youth with over 1,300 private and public sector employer partners to facilitate earning and learning opportunities.

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