Introduction: Tabiya in South-Africa

Our first country-specific partner is Harambee, with which we are developing a taxonomy of occupations and skills specific to South Africa, as well as a job-seekers' interface.

Why South Africa?

As evidence show, South Africa faces high youth unemployment rates calling for action into improving intermediation between young job-seekers and employers. Although this issue is found in most low- and middle income countries, the South African case is of particular interest because of the diversity of large scale private and semi-governemental undertakings meant to bring answers to these challenges. Our partner Harambee is the prime example of these initiatives. It's large database of users, their network of stake-holders, and their experise offered Tabiya the opportunity to explore technical solutions to labour market intermediation. This first step is rich in takeaways which will help the extension of out work to other countries.

Our Partner: Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator

Harambee Youth Employment Accelerator is a not-for-profit social entreprise created in 2011 to work on finding solutions to youth unemployment in South Africa. To help over 4 million youth, they have partnered with the governement, the private sector, and the civil society. They created the SA Youth network, a 100% free platform offering young job-seekers a wide range of services, spaning fom work readiness work opportunities, to job offers. Since 2018, Harambee also operates in Rwanda.

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